The Unfamous Life

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Holiday Season: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Emotions Running High?

T’is the season to be stressed, overwhelmed and spent (both emotionally and financially).

While the Christmas may be “the most wonderful time of the year”, the reality is you just feel stressed out.

You have soooo much to worry about: the gifts, and hosting, and visiting family/friends, and decorating, and etc.

While at the same time, others don’t have to think about those things, because they celebrate alone.

(And that’s if they celebrate at all).

These worries and thoughts can bring on feelings of depression because of all you have to do. And maybe even loneliness, because you don’t have anyone to share this season with.

Whichever one of these emotional scenarios you may find ourselves in, remember that among other things: the reason for the season is Jesus, and the purpose of this season is reflection.

Don’t Let What’s Going Around You Distract You..

This is the time to reflect on how God sent His Son down to earth to be your redeemer.

And also, to reflect how this year has been for you. How you may have changed (or not) as an individual. As well as, any changes that may have happened in your social circles, in your finances and so forth.

Now you might think that this type of reflection would make you sad, and yes it could. But it should also remind you how blessed you are.

For those that have loved ones to celebrate with, reflect on them. The people that are surrounding you, who truly love you.

And for those of you that may not be as fortunate to have loved ones surrounding you this time of year. You can be grateful that you’ve made to the end of this year; much stronger in some way than how you started it, as well as smarter and wiser.

And that right there is something to celebrate.

Also above all, remember in this season how God has been merciful. This the time to remember that God sent His only Son to save the world from hurt, pain, death and sin (John 3:16-17).

This is your biggest and main reason to celebrate.

The Holiday Season Can Still Be Bright

Don’t allow yourself to be stressed and full of anxiety during this season. This is a season and a time to worship, a time shared with loved ones, and to be full of gratefulness of all that we have been given.

So let me be the first to tell you that if you didn’t finish decorating your tree, it’s okay.

If you didn’t get to buy that very specific gift, it’s okay. If you didn’t get to prepare the exact menu you wanted to create, it’s okay.

And if you are celebrating this Christmas season alone this year, it’s okay. Enjoy it – enjoy everything exactly as it is, because this is how God allowed it to be. So thank Him for it.

There is so much to celebrate and thank God for when you take the time to reflect.

So feel all the stress, loneliness, and depression, then let those feelings pass.

Do not hold on to them, and choose to celebrate God’s mercy. He allowed you to make to the end of another year. And He will help you conquer the next one.

Comment below on how you will celebrate this holiday season! Then head over to the Resources page to get more tools on caring for your emotional health.

I’m praying for you!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, They mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)