The Unfamous Life

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The Main Reason You Need to Stop Stressing About Your New Year’s Resolution.

It’s a new year, a new decade.

Of course, more then ever, people are declaring their new year’s resolutions, goals, vision and etc. “2020 vision in the year of 2020”.

Yea, you’ve all heard it already. And don’t get me wrong, this high level of motivation is great. The only problem is sometimes the higher you’re motivation, the quicker it drops and harder it is to maintain.

It’s the third full week of the new year and I already see people giving up on their goals and plans! Why?

Unsustainable motivation.

Now, listen, I’m NOT telling you to not have goals and resolutions. Have them!

Resolutions give you a vision to work towards, but be balanced. Make your list of goals/resolutions, and work them ONE ITEM AT A TIME.

It is way too easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you have a lot of great things that you would like to accomplish.

Take things one item at a time.

Starting from the smallest and easiest goal to achieve and work your way up to the largest.

When you follow this plan, you won’t be easily overwhelmed, and your motivation will grow, because you will be seeing all that you have accomplish already.

I’m proud of you and I know in this new year you are going to CRUSH your goals.

Head over to the Resources page to grab your study guide to take better care of your mental health this new year. Better overall health is the goal!

I’m rooting for you, and I’m praying for you!

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”

Psalm 37:23 (KJV)