The Unfamous Life

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This One Powerful Word Will Improve Your Mental Health

Well… Do you know what that word is?

It’s “No”. So are you strong enough? Brave enough? Can You Say “No”… to yourself? To others?

Saying “no” is something that I still have to practice everyday, and it is not as easy as this very small two-letter word would make it seem. However, it is a very important skill to learn.

Have ever had a time where you look around and you say “how the heck did I get here?” or “how did I become like this?” The thing is what we fail to realize is that how we are or where we are in life is a result of decisions we either said “yes” or “no” to.

Now, please believe that I understand there are situations that are truly out of our control, but for the most part we had a choice.

So what happens now when you’re in a place when you are just tired of what you’re doing? Tired of how things are, tired of doing things so you don’t feel like you’re letting people down, tired of feeling overwhelmed and feeling like running away from it all?

Say no. That’s it.
(Easier said than done, right?)

So what can you do?

Watch an episode of a good show (don’t binge!!), do or trim your hair, do your nails, put on the face masks you’ve been meaning to use for the last 6 months, or fix that thing you’ve been wanting to fix in your house… and of course, pray. Do something that you truly enjoy that will bring you that little bit of excitement. Doing something you like will to help you to relax.

There are many small, practical, and effective ways you can start.

As many wise people have said before: Practice makes… the skill, not perfect. The powerful skill of saying “no” is just the beginning of a stress-free life for you.

Comment below on other ways of how you can say “no” to something (or someone) today. Also, visit the Unfamous Life Resource page to find more tools on how to take care of your mental health.

I’m praying for you!

“A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel… The fear if the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1: 5, 7 (NKJV)