What Can You Do About This Tough Time Right Now?

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

So this is new…

Umm, I’m trying to figure out where to even begin with this post.

There is just so much going on in the world right now.

So much information, so much worry, fear, anxiety… I hesitated even writing this post today because I didn’t want to add to the digital and virtual noise.

And don’t get me wrong – not all of it is noise. There are so many resources and posts and videos out there that are wonderful.

Many of which are funny or encouraging, or both!

Everyone is just trying to figure out a way of how to deal with what’s going.

Which is what I think I’m doing too.

What is happening?

There is a highly contagious virus that is spreading, and it is putting people’s health at risk.

It’s not the about the fact that this virus “hasn’t harmed as many people as the flu has at this point in time” or whatever.

The worry is that there is no known and active treatment or cure for it… like there is for the flu.

So individuals with weaker immune systems, in general, are at greater risk for illness.

And unfortunately for many of you, if not all of you including myself, we have family members or know people are having this issue… and you are worried for them.

So now everyone is on “lock-down”, self-quarantining until there is a solution for this. But this also means that many of you are isolated and feel alone or even trapped.

So… What Can You Do About This Tough Time Right Now?

But you know what?

This is the perfect point in time when we can learn to just stop and slow down for a bit.

Let’s realize what a treasure real human interaction is, and what a treasure real relationships and friendships are.

What a treasure having a real relationship with God is, and a what it means to really know yourself and truly learn to love yourself.

Exactly how you are, and exactly how God made you. And more importantly, what it really means to know and love God.

This is why I decided to write today, because even though there is a lot of noise of fear, anxious, hopelessness, and worry being tossed about, I wanted to add to the voices of hope and encouragement.

To remind you that this time of uncertainty and isolation is a great time for praying, de-stressing, learning, slowing down, appreciating and loving.

Social media in all forms right now is a gift – it is allowing us to having the pseudo, virtual connection that we are craving from each other.

And we thank God for it.

Some important tasks to remember

Now, call your friends, family, all your loved ones: ask them how their day is going.

What are they are up and what their indoor plans are. Then, you answer those same questions yourself and let them know what is going on with you.

Finally, before you end that call, don’t forget to tell them that you love them.

Because once this time of isolation and uncertainty is over, I want you to grab the closet person you love and throw yourself around their neck in the biggest, bone-crushing hug you’ve ever given them.

And tell them you love them out-loud, in person.

But until then, take several deep breaths. Right now.

You will come out of this period.

You will more loving, stronger, wiser, more intentional, less self-absorbed, and especially more caring of people in your surroundings.

You will be sure to take care of yourself in a healthier and more intentional way, so you can impact those around you in a more loving and lasting way.

This is tough right now.

But you can this, and you will make it through this.

Everyone is with you, and more importantly, God is with you.

Keep your eyes and focus on Him, He will see us through. Head over to the Resources page to download the study guide on taking good care of your mental health during these times.

I’m praying for you.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)


So Now What Do You Do? Find Out Here.


The Ugly Truth About Being Overwhelmed