Emotional Health, Life Lessons, Self Care/Wellness Janelle Mercedes Emotional Health, Life Lessons, Self Care/Wellness Janelle Mercedes

3 Lessons To Learn From The Pandemic To Change How You Live

I guess a global pandemic would do that to you. It will make you rearrange your priorities and force you to realize what deeply matters. Such as spending every day you can with your family and loved ones, as well as keeping them safe so that you can have another day with them.

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These Times Are Difficult. How Are You Handling It?

The foundation of this country has been rocked recently by the injustice that has been brought to the forefront. In particular, the injustices that black people and other minorities have experienced. Unfortunately, the relationship between the government/laws of this country and people of color (specifically black people) have been very strained since the very beginning.

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News Flash: It’s Not About You.

Now this one is a tough one to write, because you are probably going through a strange, scary and difficult time too. I don’t want you to feel that your issues are during this time are not valid. And I don’t want you to feel like you can’t, or shouldn’t, take care of yourself and your family. Do that. Take care of all you need to.

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So Now What Do You Do? Find Out Here.

So here we are… a couple of months into the nationwide quarantine. It still feels so strange, doesn’t it? It seems like everyone is sort of settling into a new routine. Folks are washing their hands dry after they touch anything coming in from outside. Waving at one another from a distance is becoming even more popular (lol).

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What Can You Do About This Tough Time Right Now?

There is just so much going on in the world right now. So much information, so much worry, fear, anxiety… I hesitated even writing this post today because I didn’t want to add to the digital and virtual noise. And don’t get me wrong – not all of it is noise. There are so many resources and posts and videos out there that are wonderful.

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The Main Reason You Need to Stop Stressing About Your New Year’s Resolution.

Yea, you’ve all heard it already. And don’t get me wrong, this high level of motivation is great. The only problem is sometimes the higher your motivation, the quicker it drops and harder it is to maintain. It’s the third full week of the new year and I already see people giving up on their goals and plans! Why?

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