So Now What Do You Do? Find Out Here.

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

What’s going on?

So here we are… a couple of months into the nationwide quarantine. It still feels so strange, doesn’t it?

It seems like everyone is sort of settling into a new routine.

Folks are washing their hands dry after they touch anything coming in from outside. Waving at one another from a distance is becoming even more popular (lol).

People are also stepping outside more often now, but still maintaining 6 feet or more between one another.

Social interaction is definitely more awkward then before.

Everyone is maintaining distance from others to keep themselves safe, but something about it also seems a bit rude… so you might spark up some small talk with the person you pass by to make the interaction less awkward (or maybe you don’t, ha!).

The point is, the world as you know it is in such a strange state, waiting with bated breath, to see when we can go back to some semblance of the normal we once knew.

So… what do you do?

Well, that’s up to you.

This is an excellent time to create a new normal for you and your family.

Identify the routines that you have created during this time that have benefited you in any way, and give them a more permanent place in your day-to-day life.

This will allow you to continue doing things that improve your daily life, and will allow you to remember all the wonderful little lessons that you’ve learned during this time.

And I can’t wait to hear about it when we all come back together again.

Keep pushing forward, because you’re doing great.

Also, go to the Resources page to download your study guide to take better care of your mental health. Maybe you need to talk? I’m here for that, too.

As always, I’m praying for you!

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Psalms 27:14 (NIV)


News Flash: It’s Not About You.


What Can You Do About This Tough Time Right Now?