Please know that you are not alone

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Take a step back and breathe.

Sometimes all you need to do is pray and just let it go.​

There are so many things you can do to help with your anxiety and your overwhelm.

Some of them include:

  • praying

  • temporarily letting go or taking a break from that particular responsibility/project

  • go to the spa and get a massage- start a manageable exercise regimen to relieve stress

  • take a day off to rest and get good quality sleep​

Okay, you did all those things and they actually helped. Great!

Or maybe you did all these things and they didn’t help…


Well, this might be one of those times when you need a helping hand. And I knooow!

It’s so hard to ask for help! You’ve done so many things well by yourself. But you need to realize when it’s time to call for back-up, while realizing there is nothing wrong with needing help every now and again.

It doesn’t make you weak, less intelligent or incapable – it makes you human.

A self care coach could be exactly what you need to give you just that little push over the hill to get you roll again. You already have what you need; God says in His Word that you were fearfully and wonderfully. He knows the great plans He has for. You simply need someone to remind you of that.

You got this friend! I’m praying for you!

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)


This One Powerful Word Will Improve Your Mental Health